McClearn obituary and Cemetery Photos

Iowa Falls Newspaper, March 1914

Adeline White was born at Webster, Maine, June 27th, 1830.  At same place she married to Robert Freeman McClern, October 7, 1854.  Mr. and Mrs. McClern came to Iowa in 1856 and settled on a farm in Ellis Township, known as the McClearn place for 59 years, where they farmed for years.  In 1870 they moved to Iowa Falls and lived here until two years ago when she returned to the home farm with her son, Charles and family.  Mr. McClern died December 5, 1900 at the age of 76 years.  Mr. and Mrs. McClern had been blessed with six children, three of whom live- Mary, Charles and James. There are nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Mrs. McClern died of old age at the home of her son, Charles McClern ( ... )day evening, March 26, at the age of 84 years and 9 months.  She had been in good health all her years until last fall when infirmities incident of age began to shorten fast her (......) on life.  She had always been a (...rful) lady.

Mrs. McLearn has been a faithful and devoted member of the Baptist Church since young womanhood.  She was loyal, courageous and always full (...d) cheer.  The advice given her when she went away from home to study tailoring "Be a good girl and (......) stiff upper lip." seemed to (........) maxim thru life.

The Funeral was held at the Baptist Church in Iowa Falls Sunday afternoon at 2:30.  The services were officiated by Rev. L. E. Viets, (.......) of the church, and burial made at Union Cemetery.  Sympathizing (..........) had casket covered with beautiful flowers.

Iowa Fall, 1937


C. R. McLearn Taken


Funeral services for Charles R. McClearn, long time resident of Iowa Falls, were held last Sunday afternoon from the Baptist Church with Rev. Dale E. Jessup in charge.  Rev. Jessup was assisted by Rev. Harold J. Dorrance and Rev. D. E. Morris.  Burial was at Union Cemetery.

Mr. McClearn died last Friday at his home after a long illness.  Before illness forced him to give up his work, Mr. McClearn had engaged in the popcorn business at Vinton for seven years.  The family returned to Iowa (Falls ?) in February.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. McClearn, Mr. McClearn was born May 21, 1872 in Iowa Falls.  He grew to manhood here and for years worked at his trade as a painter and paper hanger.

Mr. McClearn was married in 1897 to Mae Smith.  They were the parents of five children, all of whom survive.  They are Mrs. Helen Mulford, of Vinton, Mrs. Carrie Casper, of Waterloo; Mrs. Minnie Rockwell, of Des Moines, and Robert and Milton McClearn of Des Moines.

January 8, 1917, Mr. McClearn was married to Mrs. E. S. Earle, of Ft. Dodge, who survives.  Three sisters and one brother preceded Mr. McClearn in death.

Mr. McClearn was a member of the Iowa Falls Baptist Church for many years.


(Church address: 521 Rochsylvania, Iowa Falls, Iowa 50126)